Hillside Trucks + Sound – Sky & Emerald

Regular Price £35.00 incl.VAT

`Hillside Trucks`, as the name suggests, gives you three different trucks in a hillside setting, under a light, bright blue sky. The embroideries are cleverly detailed and use felt for the truck body colours….and we have sewn in a wash-proof sound unit that makes the noise of a diesel engine starting up! Click on the arrow to test it now.

To get the noise on the garment just press the embroidered button.

SKU: K1414SE/1-2-1 Categories: , , Tags: ,


This garment was designed and manufactured in the UK.  It is in our easy-wash, hard wearing polyester Polar Fleece. We call it a Goldilocks weight. Not too light and not to heavy….just right for our British climate!


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1-2yr, 2-3yr, 4-5yr, 6-7yr

